A few months ago, I wrote a post on the Mayflower descents of Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul and The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon announcer Steve Higgins. Fairly soon after that post, I got an interesting e-mail from Paula Petry of New Mexico, whose son Ben Petry played Jake Pinkman, brother of Aaron Paul’s Jesse Pinkman, on Breaking Bad. She let me know that her son Ben, through her husband’s ancestry, was also a Mayflower descendant, and that a few months prior, she had done done some genealogical research and connected back with Mayflower passengers Stephen Hopkins and his daughter Constance, William and Mary Brewster, and Thomas Rogers and his son Joseph.
As we corresponded Paula told me that her husband’s Hopkins line had been submitted by the New Mexico Mayflower Society historian for final approval in Plymouth (they’ve got a big backlog). Using our own Mayflower Families Fifth Generation Database, I was also able to find a second Stephen Hopkins descent (through Stephen’s son Giles, also a passenger), as well as a descent from passengers John and Joan Tilley, their daughter Elizabeth, and her eventual husband John Howland. The chart below outlines these descents from five Mayflower families through eleven passengers.
My prior post also related to Steve Higgins. Steve Higgins and Ben Petry are distantly related through their shared Higgins ancestors. During our recent self-isolation, I have enjoyed watching The Tonight Show: At Home Edition, now created at Jimmy Fallon’s home in Long Island, with his wife as a camera operator and their daughters making special appearances. An episode featuring Fallon on camera with his wife, film producer Nancy Juvonen, walking together and discussing her upbringing (born in Connecticut, raised in northern California) prompted me to check out her family tree.
I was able to trace her back to Mayflower passenger Edward Doty. This lineage below goes from New England, via Chicago, to the West Coast. Noah Scranton (1744-1823) of Madison, Connecticut, is described in the 1855 Scranton genealogy as having “made a voyage round the globe in his youth, so report says.” His son Noah Scranton (b. 1794) is described as a pump and blockmaker who lived in New York City. (His wife Betsey Reeves was a native of River Head, Long Island.) This couple moved the family to Chicago, where the family lived for several generations. Noah’s great-great-grandson David Flett Morris (b. 1917) moved to Washington State.
As I am also self-isolating and working from home, I no longer have the software at hand to make charts like the one above, so many of my charts in the future will be in a somewhat cruder format.
- Edward Doty (ca. 1599-1655), Mayflower passenger = Faith Clarke
- Edward Doty = Sarah Faunce
- Benjamin Doty = Hester Beaumont
- Sarah Doty = Samuel Shipman
- Ellen/Esther Shipman = Timothy Bradley
- Sarah "Sally" Bradley = Noah Scranton (1744-1823)
- Noah Scranton III (b. 1794) = Betsey Reeves
- Abner R. Scranton = Mary Elizabeth Hoit
- Ida Mailler Scranton = Charles Edward Morris
- Arthur Scranton Morris = Julia Louise Flett
- David Flett Morris (b. 1917) = Barbara Buell Welts, who m. (2) James Wilson Newell
- Pamela Robin Morris, later Newell = William Harwood Juvonen
- Nancy Juvonen (b. 1967) = James Thomas "Jimmy" Fallon (b. 1974)
Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Volume Eleven – Edward Doty, Part 1, 167 (Generations 1-6); Erastus Scranton, A Genealogical Register of the Descendants of John Scranton (1855), 27, 41, 75 (Generations 6-8); 1852 Chicago Marriage of Abner H. Scranton and Mary E. Hoit; 1885 will of Abner R. Scranton of Chicago; 1870 U.S. Census, Chicago Ward 19, Cook Co., Ill., A. R. Scranton household; 1927 Illinois Death Certificate of Ida Scranton Morris; 1875 Chicago Marriage of Charles E. Morris and Ida M. Scranton; 1880 Chicago Birth Record of ____ [Arthur Scranton] Morris; 1922 Cook Co., Illinois Death Certificate of Arthur Scranton Morris; 1939 Washington Marriage Certificate of David Flett Morris and Barbara Buell Welts; 1940 U.S. Census, Big Lake, Skagit Co., Wash., David F. Morris household; “Barbara Buell Newell,” The Desert Sun, 13 June 1997, p. 10; “Mr. and Mrs. David Moriss [sic], Clear Lake, Skagit County, April 21, girl,” Seattle Daily Times, 16 May 1940, 31; 1965 California Marriage of William Harwood Juvonen and Pamela Robin Newell; Social Security Applications and Claims, Index, 1936-2007, Pamela Robin Newell Juvonen; Obituaries of William H. Juvonen and Pam Juvonen.
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About Christopher C. Child
Chris Child has worked for various departments at NEHGS since 1997 and became a full-time employee in July 2003. He has been a member of NEHGS since the age of eleven. He has written several articles in American Ancestors, The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, and The Mayflower Descendant. He is the co-editor of The Ancestry of Catherine Middleton (NEHGS, 2011), co-author of The Descendants of Judge John Lowell of Newburyport, Massachusetts (Newbury Street Press, 2011) and Ancestors and Descendants of George Rufus and Alice Nelson Pratt (Newbury Street Press, 2013), and author of The Nelson Family of Rowley, Massachusetts (Newbury Street Press, 2014). Chris holds a B.A. in history from Drew University in Madison, New Jersey.View all posts by Christopher C. Child →