Category Archives: Object-lessons

Using heraldry for genealogical research

Commodore William Bainbridge (1774-1833)

I have had two good personal experiences with heraldry — and no bad ones.

When I was developing the West Indian ancestry of my ancestress, Susanna (Heyliger) Bainbridge, I found that her grandson (my great-grandfather) had..

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Organizing a family reunion: Part One

Pauline Boucher Glidden in Venice, 1923. Author's collection. (Click on the images to expand them.)

My mother used to say, wistfully, “You’re always writing about your father’s family; I wish you would write about mine.” Vita Brevis readers will remember the posts..

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A genealogical jigsaw puzzle

315 Dartmouth Street, Boston. Courtesy of

If you are familiar with Boston’s Back Bay, you have probably wondered who lived in a given house when it was first built, or how it has changed and been used over the years. Do you have an ancestor or..

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Object Lessons

I recently paid a visit to Baltimore to photograph some of the surviving architectural commissions of my great-grandfather Edward Hughes Glidden. I had a great time traversing the city, from Battle Monument Square to Druid Hill Park, from the financial district to..

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An answer - and more questions

Courtesy of the Hughes Company Glass Negatives Collection, the Photography Collections, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

As a follow-up to my first post at Vita Brevis, back in early January, I am happy to report that a likely photograph of my..

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